Back To You Page 4
“Yeah, I got that impression. I am your twin, we have that weird telepathy thing going on, you know?” he laughed.
“Ian, I am serious,” she said, letting out a laugh. “I’m confused. And I have to think about Kendall too.”
“I can punch him, if that makes any difference.”
“He’s the FBI. I think we’re way beyond that.”
“Well, whatever you decide, I will support you. I know he hurt you and left you, and I will still punch him any day, but you still love him. And you have a kid with him. Think about it, will you?”
She bit her lip, “Why do you have to be so good?”
“I am an Ian. ‘Ians’ are pretty much awesome!”
“Yeah, right.” She punched his stomach, “Thanks, bro.”
Keith lay in his bed awake. He got out a book to read but after a few pages, put it down. His mind was still on Kyra. And Kendall. He knew he’d hurt him by not going inside. He rubbed his forehead. A few months ago, he had no idea he was a father. Now he had his family to think of and he wasn’t letting Kendall grow up without a dad... again.
Kyra woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. “Hello?” she asked in a groggy voice.
“’s Keith.” She sat up and brushed strands of hair from her forehead.
“What’s up?”
“Is Kendall asleep?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I just wanted to check up on him. And apologize for not dropping in. Could you pass that to him, please?”
She hesitated before answering.
“Sure, I will... good night.”
“Wait... I also wanted to check on you. How are you doing?”
“I am... a bit shaken... but I’ll be fine. Thanks.”
“You sure?”
“Okay... well... good night, Kyra.”
“Night, Keith.” She almost blurted out, “I love you...” but kept herself from that. She placed the phone back and lay there, looking at the ceiling. It was getting impossible to deny that she was still in love with Keith.
She got out of bed and got dressed. Only one person was going to help her right now. She got her car keys and went out.
It was a cold starry night. She rarely saw stars in Boston, so this was refreshing. The wind blew in her hair and she took it all in, while trying to keep warm at the same time. She touched her grandmother’s tombstone and closed her eyes. This was her safe place. When she needed to think, when she was conflicted, when she wanted to get away... this was her spot.
“Hey, grandma. It’s Kyra,” she paused and went on, “you’re probably wondering what I’m doing here in the middle of the night. But then again, you probably know why I’m here. You always knew when something was wrong. Remember?”
“Anyway, I’ve been thinking about Keith and this whole situation. I don’t know what to do, honestly. Everyone wants me to forgive him and move on. I just don’t know if I’m ready for that, you know? We had something special and he destroyed that. And he didn’t tell me why he left, he just did. Now he’s back and wants to be involved in Kendall’s life. What do I do?” she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
She cleared the leaves that had fallen on the tombstone and crouched. She could feel her around her and that’s all she wanted. The one person who could understand her better than herself. They had shared everything when she was still living and memories kept flooding back. One quote from her kept repeating in her mind, “Let love take its course.”
She smiled, tears streaming down her face, her heart aching for her, “Thanks grandma.”
“Alright mom! I’m tired of playing mini golf. Can we have lunch now?” asked a worn-out Kendall.
“Whatever you say.” He skipped happily to the nearest restaurant while Kyra tried walking fast to keep up with him. He suddenly stopped. “There’s Keith!” Without waiting for her to respond, he ran over to him. “Keith!” he shouted midway. Keith turned around to see Kendall running towards him. He squatted just in time for him to leap in his arms. “Hey, big guy.”
“Were you mad at me the other day?” he asked as he pulled away to look at him.
“Mad? Of course not! I would never get mad at you. I’m sorry.”
“But you’re not mad at my mom either,”
“No,” he said ruffling his hair.
“Good, now let’s go get lunch cause I’m hungry.”
“Kendall...” Kyra started.
“Please mom?”
Keith looked at Kyra and she looked away, “Okay, fine.”
“Thanks mom.”
They got to a table and waited for someone to take their orders.
“How are things going, Kyra?” he asked trying to break the awkward moment between them.
“They’re... pretty much the same. You?”
“Yeah... pretty much.” They glanced at each other for a few seconds and then looked away.
“So...” Kendall began. She was glad that he was there to steer the conversation. “Can we go to the movies after this?”
“What movie do you want to watch?”
“Dragons 2”
The waiter came and took their orders. Keith had clam chowder, Kyra ordered a chicken salad and Kendall got pizza. He was seated on Keith’s lap. He excused himself to use the bathroom and slid off quietly once they were done eating.
Keith looked at Kyra, straight in the face, “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah...I’m good,” she had nothing more to say, leaving her lips slightly parted. Keith silently cursed and reached out for her hand. When she tried to pull it back, he held it tightly, still holding her gaze. She felt her face splash with color and let out a side smile. Some strands of her hair fell to her right eye and she looked even more beautiful than before.
Kendall came back a few minutes later. “Ready,” They went over to the theater and got tickets. Kendall still sat on Keith’s lap and Kyra beside them. They both stole glances of each other throughout the movie. Kyra felt guilty for trying to push Keith away when he obviously was trying his best with Kendall. And the way he’d looked at her. She’d felt chills down to her spine.
After the movie, he suggested they spend the rest of the day at his house.
“I don’t know...” Kyra started but Kendall had his say too, “But mom... it’ll be fun!”
She inhaled deeply, “Okay.”
He made them dinner and they played games all evening. Kyra loosened up with all the laughter from the three of them. She and Keith stole glances at each other from time to time, but she tried to divert her focus to Kendall every time he faced her. By the time they got halfway through another movie, Kendall was fast asleep. Kyra took him up, careful not to wake him. “Thank you... but we have to go.”
“Or...” he said as he took Kendall from her, “you could both stay here for the night. Besides it’s late and you both look pretty tired.”
She tried refusing the offer but every bone in her body knew he’d not take no for an answer. That was Keith. Pretty stubborn.
“Okay... good night.”
“Night, Kyra.” He laid Kendall on the bed and she closed the door after him.
Keith was seated on the couch when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to find Kyra walking towards him. He glanced at the clock. 12:30
“No sleep?”
“Yeah...” she chuckled softly and sat a few inches from him. She was dressed in one of his sweatpants and his shirt. She looked so pretty, it made his heart ache.
“Wine or beer?” he asked as he got up.
“Wine sounds good.” He came back with the wine and two glasses and set them on the table then settled next to her. He could faintly smell the lotion she had on. He poured the wine and they held the glasses up for a toast.
“Here’s to...”
��Here’s to Kendall.” He took her hand in his and was a bit surprised when she didn’t pull back.
“You know, Kendall has been a lot happier lately. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome. Such a sweet guy like him deserves the best. I’m sorry...”
“Keith... don’t start.”
“No Kyra, I need to say it. I am sorry I haven’t been there for him for 5 years. And I am sorry I haven’t been there for you either. I don’t care how many times I have to say it for you to believe how much I regret all those years I missed.” She looked into his eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. Both were silent for a long time. Neither wanted to spoil the moment.
He put his arm around her and she drew closer to him, her head now on his chest. A few minutes later, she was asleep, breathing soundly. He smiled as he planted a kiss on her forehead.
Kyra woke up feeling the sun’s warmth on her face. She noticed she was on the couch and Keith was asleep next to her. She smiled, in spite of herself. She propped herself up and brushed off the strands of hair that covered Keith’s forehead. He looked really handsome and she couldn’t help but blush. She started stroking his cheek and he woke up a few seconds later. “Good morning,” he murmured as he smiled.
“Morning,” she smiled sweetly and he felt a knot in his stomach. He tugged her hair playfully, “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, I did. Haven’t slept that good in a long time.” She placed her head back on his chest and ran her fingers around it. “Kendall’s going to be up pretty soon.”
“Doubt it. He had too much fun yesterday. I bet he’s still tired.”
Fifteen minutes later, they got up from the couch. She followed him into the kitchen. “Anything special you want for breakfast?” he asked as he kissed her cheek.
“Anything’s fine. But I wouldn’t mind your scrambled eggs.”
He chuckled. “Coming right up,” he continued, “you always made me make them on Saturdays, remember?”
“Yeah, I do,” she leaned against the sink, smiling. She remembered it like it was yesterday.
“So, are you making me your famous scrambled eggs? I’ve heard they make girls go weak in the knees.”
“What can I say, my reputation precedes me. And apparently so does my cooking.” They laughed. She was wearing one of his gray shirts and she hugged him from behind. He turned to face her and planted a kiss on her.
“This is good, Kyra. This is what I want. All of it. All of you.” They kissed. She smiled and he couldn’t get enough of her. Her beauty, her grace, her smile. He pulled her to him such that there was no distance between them, looked her in the eye and whispered, “I love you, Kyra Sparks. Damn, I love you.”
“I love you more, Keith Gorbachev.”
“Kyra?” A quizzical look on Keith’s face brought her back.
“Sorry,” she mumbled.
“What were you thinking about?” he stroked her hand and looked into her eyes.
“Old times,” she chuckled lightly. She stroked his hand back, “I’ll go check on Kendall and take a shower.”
Keith was right. Kendall was still asleep. She picked a towel from the shelf and headed to the bathroom. She relived everything that had happened and she couldn’t help but grin widely. For a fact, she knew she still loved him. The Keith that she had once fallen in love with. This Keith that was so awesome with Kendall. Their son. She bit her lip and got in the shower.
She got out just in time to find Kendall get up. “Morning, mom.” He said ruffling his hair and yawning. He got that trait from Keith, ruffling his hair. She handed him a towel as she planted a kiss on his forehead. “Don’t stay too long in the shower. Breakfast’s almost done.”
They came down together, a few minutes later.
“Morning, Kendall.” Keith said as he laid down the magazine he was reading.
“Good morning. Can I still sit on your lap today?”
“Sure, you can.” They ate while Kendall bombarded Keith with questions about being a cop. He seemed so interested, his eyes lit up at his stories.
“Being a cop sounds fun, but I don’t want to shoot anyone. That’d make me feel bad.”
“Then you don’t have to be one,” Keith said giving him a tight hug.
“I’m really sorry I have to get to work,” he said putting his badge on. “I loved spending time with both of you.”
“Yeah, me too. But we should get going too. Kendall has school and I have work too.”
“I’ll give you both a ride.”
“We both need to change first.”
They dropped Kendall at school and he dropped Kyra off at her workplace. He led her to her office, “It was great having you over last night,”
“Thanks,” they stood in front of her office, in silence. She finally spoke up, “Well, see you later.”
“Yeah.” He took a step closer and kissed her cheek. He then left without looking back. Kyra got inside her office and leaned her head against the closed door. She didn’t want to wake up and find this all a dream.
Keith drove fast. He knew Murray would demand to know where he’d been. He grinned as he drove. So far, things were going well and as far as he could tell, they were headed in the right direction. Both Kyra and Kendall were happy and that’s all that mattered to him. He would not screw that up.
“Gorbachev, you’re late!” Murray said as he got out of his car.
“I’m sorry, sir. Just some morning errands.”
“Is this about that lady of yours?” he said, raising his eyebrows. When Keith didn’t answer, he sighed. “I knew this day would come, just never thought it’d be so soon... alright you and Hudson are on patrol till lunch. Let’s get going!”
“Yes, sir.”
Kyra was sorting files in her office when her phone rang. “Hello?”
“Hey darling,”
“Mom, how are you?”
“I am fine. But that’s not why I called. You were supposed to bring Kendall to see me yesterday afternoon. I tried calling your house but you never answered.”
“Sorry, mom. Kendall ran into Keith and you know... they’re inseparable. I am so sorry I forgot to call you.”
“Well don’t go on being sorry for me. Tell me everything,” she stressed on everything so Kyra explained all that had happened. Lydia would occasionally throw some ‘bless his hearts’ into the conversation. When Kyra was done, Lydia commented, “You still love him, don’t you?”
“I do, but...”
“You’re scared he’s going to hurt you again.”
Kyra sighed. “It’s not that easy...”
“But you’ve seen how he’s been with Kendall, with you since he came back. Isn’t that enough to show you how much he cares and that he’d be a fool to make the same mistake again, especially now that Kendall’s involved?” Kyra was speechless.
“Ponder on it before you make a decision, darling.”
“Thanks mom. You always know what to say.”
“You’re welcome, dear. Say hello to my grandson, will you?”
“Yes, of course.”
Kendall was waiting for Kyra when she went to pick him up from school. “How was your day?”
“It was okay.” As they drove away, Kendall asked, “Mom, are you going to get married to Keith? We see him a lot and he’s fun to be around.”
“I don’t know buddy... it’s not that easy. But we’ll see.”
“But you like him,”
“Why do you say that?”
“Your face brightens up when you see him or talk about him.”
“That’s enough, young man,” she said as color found its way up her cheeks.
“I’ll take that as a yes!” he said smiling and started teasing her, “Mom is blushing.”
“Kendall, stop that,” she said laughing with him.
When they got home, Keith’s car was in the driveway. He opened the door when he heard them pull over. “Hey guys.”
“Hey,” Kendal
l said as he ran to him.
“Hi, what are you doing here?” Kyra asked as he put Kendall down. He watched as he ran inside. Then he turned to face Kyra. “Are you busy?”
“Not now, why?”
“Can we go talk somewhere, like the park?”
“I can’t leave Kendall alone.”
“We can take him.”
“Okay,” she said as she stepped inside to change. What was in his mind? He sounded so serious, she wondered.
There were a few people in the park, most just strolling. A couple of teenagers were skating and others were lying down, listening to music on their iPods. An elderly couple passed them and waved. She smiled at them and waved back. Keith got Kendall ice-cream and he ran off to the playground. Keith faced Kyra and inhaled deeply. Kyra was prepared for the worst.
“I think it’s time we tell Kendall the truth.”
“Ha...” she scoffed. “No, Keith... that’s not happening now.” She stood up from where she was sitting. “I am still trying to wrap my head around it... no, Keith. You know he asked if we’ll get married when I picked him up from school?”
“He did?” Keith asked, looking amused.
“Yes... and we can’t have him running around with false hopes. Not now, please.”
“Kyra... I know a lot happened between us, but I am back and I am not going anywhere...”
She looked at him, “I am still hurting. We can’t pretend like nothing happened. 5 years is a long time, Keith.”
“I know and I regret all that. And that’s why I want to set things right.”
“You can’t set everything back, especially if you won’t tell me everything,” she waited for his response. He started, “I...”
“That’s what I thought....”
“Kyra, Kendall’s not having another father.”
“You don’t have to worry about that.” He wove his fingers through her dark hair and hugged her to him. How could he start forgiving himself for crushing her heart into a million pieces on what could have been the greatest day of her life?